
Gotta a love a large orange humanoid-looking creature amongst all kinds of urban rubble. This is “Thing” in the movie “Fantastic Four 2, The Rise of the Silver Surfer”. I had a lot of fun shooting stills on this film because super heroes and stunts and explosions make for a very interesting day at the office. We took over a couple square blocks in downtown Vancouver and made quite a mess to film the climactic ending. It looked amazing with all of the neon lights! There was so much light coming off our set! Everything was so lit up from sunset to sunrise that I doubt any neighbouring condo dwellers got much sleep. Because there was more light than usual when filming at night, I was able to shoot at an ISO as low as 800. The light that was hitting “Thing”, was at a high enough level that it balanced out nicely with the neon signs, I did not have to worry about them blowing out. Light bounced of of the smoke particles blown in by the spe...