
Everyone needs a muse and my partner with his handsome features inspired me to go into the studio to shoot him in his latest flamenco costume. I take flamenco classes with my muse, Rolando and he scored a part in the school's latest company show of Carmen. He looked so good in his Toreador costume I was hoping he could keep it for a special occasion. Since that was not possible, I documented it instead. We had a lot of fun working with flamboyant poses. I chose this fairly classic pose as my favourite from the shoot. I kept the lighting fairly frontal and flattering with a little soft shadow so mimic the old graphic bull fighting posters. I further made it "vintage" by making it black and white however I kept the contrast "as shot" unlike old photos that tend to be very contrasty. To finalize 'the look', I added an effect that is a plug in, in Photoshop called 'Edge FX Pro'. It adds cracks mostly around the edges to create the illu...